
2022-07-13 03:05:34 By : Ms. PU XIONG

Do you love yourself? Are you positive when you talk to yourself or about yourself to others? If you don't love yourself, I mean truly love who you are inside and out, you could be passing your negative feelings bout yourself on to your kids without even realizing it.

I'm not referring to your kids looking at you in a negative way, they love you no matter what you look like how much you weigh, or even how badly you behave. I'm talking bout how they view themselves.

If you are always talking bad about yourself, you are inadvertently teaching them that this is the way you are supposed to treat yourself. Critical, harsh, unforgiving, unloving, and negative.

How you treat yourself is how they will treat their self. So please think about that the next time you talk or treat yourself badly. Little ears are listening and little eyes ate watching.

An amazing mom from Scottsville, KY, near Bowling Green, posted a rule to live by that will help to teach your kids that they don't have to be perfect to be loved.

Here is her Facebook post,

Mary Duke's Facebook post has been viewed over 3 million times. Obviously, the world related to Mary's message and her positive, beautiful spirit.

Video to help teach kids to love themselves their uniqueness, all that they are , and all that they can do.